Sleeps Until Countdown

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My "Sleeps Until" Countdown project is perfect for helping your littles count down each night toward an important day. You can make it out of any material you want to. And if you choose to make it out of MDF it'll be a blast to paint with them as well!

Project Details

The numbers can either be made in a 3d fashion like I did in the pictures or video by cutting the cards and numbers separately and then gluing the numbers on -OR- you can engrave the numbers on the card if you like. Engraving takes FAR longer, but its an option if you prefer that look.

The piece has storage on the back where you can keep the numbers you're not using.

I used 1/8 inch Draftboard from Glowforge


I use LocTite GO2 for all of my projects.

Font I used: Camica --

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