Halloween Themed Smart Speaker Holder (2 Sizes)

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If you love Halloween and have a smart speaker like an Amazon Echo Dot (puck or sphere) or Google Home Mini, this holder would be a fun place to give your speaker a home! There's even an optional open roof piece if you'd like to use it to put a candle or a dish of candy in it instead! 

The set includes 2 sizes, one for the shorter puck style and a taller one for the sphere style.

Read all of the measurements and details under the Project Details tab above to see if your speaker will fit well.

* This is a file to cut on your laser. No physical items are included. *


Project Details




  • Watch the Assembly Video above!
  • Refer to the 3d Assembly JPG and the Montana 94 Paint Colors docs included in the download.
  • IMPORTANT: When gluing the moon onto the back of the building, be SURE to not cover too much of the opening. Leave enough room for your speaker to freely move in and out.
  • BONUS: We've also included an optional open roof if you don't have a smart speaker and want to use a battery powered candle or candy dish instead!



  • Ai
  • SVG
  • PDF
  • DXF
  • EPS




  • The opening in the back for your smart speaker is 1.86" tall x 5" wide and the depth of the building is 4.1".
  • The main building is 9.2" tall x 8.1" wide.
  • The trees are ~5" wide each.
  • The moon is 7.2" across.



  • The opening in the back for your smart speaker is 3.8" tall x 5" wide and the depth of the building is 4.1".
  • The main building is 11.3" tall x 8.1" wide.
  • The trees are ~5" wide each.
  • The moon is 7.2" across.



  • 1/8" MDF
  • Slot Size: 0.125"
  • Montana 94 Spray Paint and Rustoleum Filler Primer (**We included a JPG showing all of the paint colors we used!)
  • Gorilla Glue Super Glue Gel



  • The Small Speaker Holder takes 2 sheets of 11" x 19" material
  • The Large Speaker Holder takes 2.5 sheets of 11" x 19" material  
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